Jewish Life
Younger and older, single and married, with kids and without – whatever your background, your stage of life and family situation, the Temple Solel community offers opportunities to get involved, connect with fellow members, or tie into the broader Jewish Community that is as diverse as our congregation.
Temple Solel offers many groups to fit a great variety of our members’ interests, from the committees that steer our activities and future, to support for interfaith families, and much more. We encourage you to explore all of the groups and committees to find the right one for you!
Life Cycle Events
Baby Naming Ceremonies
Mazel Tov! You’re having a baby. We hope you decide to have a brit ceremony. Brit is the Hebrew word for covenant. The covenant of circumcision, the oldest continuous Jewish rite. Taking place on the eighth day following the birth of a baby boy, this ancient ceremony announces the parents’ commitment to taking on the responsibilities and joys of raising a Jewish child. Brit bat, the act of welcoming infant daughters to this historic relationship, does the same with words and rituals. We are delighted to name our babies and children on the bimah in our beautiful sanctuary during Erev Shabbat service.
B’nai Mitzvah
The B’nai Mitzvah experience is a wonderful journey of learning and community, with your family at the center. It begins two years before the ceremony, with the assignment of a date. Students and their families begin forming community with other families in the fifth grade. Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies take place during Saturday Shabbat morning services, as Temple Solel officially welcomes our children to adulthood in the Jewish community by calling them to Torah. Temple Solel B’nai Mitzvah lead much of the Shabbat morning service, read Torah and Haftarah, and offer a D’var Torah to the congregation.
At Temple Solel, we help make your wedding the once-in-a-lifetime simcha it should be. From sessions with the officiating clergy to the Shabbat blessing, Temple Solel provides a number of ways to connect and strengthen your relationship with each other and the community. Weddings may be arranged on an individual basis.
Death and Dying
Understanding that death is an inevitable part of the life cycle, Temple Solel clergy and staff are here to answer your questions about Jewish funerals and mourning rituals, and to provide personal guidance, Jewish insights and written materials as you cope with loss.
At the time of death, please notify the temple immediately at 480-991-7414 and you will be placed in contact with a member of clergy, who will work directly with you regarding the funeral, memorial service or minyan.
Shiva Minyan
Rabbi Linder is available to lead your loved one’s shiva minyan.
To make arrangements for the events listed above, please contact the temple office at 480.991.7414.
Local Links
- Arizona Jewish Historical Society (AJHS)
- Bureau of Jewish Education
- East Valley Jewish Community Center (EVJCC)
- Gesher Disability Resources
- Hillel at ASU
- Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix
- Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JFCS)
- Jewish Federation Of Greater Phoenix
- Jewish Free Loan
- Jewish News of Greater Phoenix
- Jewish Tuition Organization (JTO)
- Kivel Campus of Care
- Martin Pear Jewish Community Center
- Pardes Jewish Day School
- Phoenix Jewish Film Festival
- Valley Beit Midrash (VBM)