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Ways To Give

Ways To Give

Temple Solel congregants are deeply involved in the life of the congregation with a strong commitment to its mission and its traditions.  Their generosity of spirit, resources and time reflect their belief in the strength of Temple Solel.  And the Temple plays a special role in our members’ lives and life cycle moments, from birth, naming ceremonies, b’nai mitzvah, weddings to memorials. Consider either a donation or a planned gift.

“And you shall accept gifts for me, from every person whose heart so moves them.” Exodus 25:2

Temple Solel offers you wonderful opportunities  to honor or memorialize a loved one or celebrate a simchah.  There are a number of giving opportunities at Temple Solel, all of which are highly valued and deeply appreciated. 

Memorial Plaque

Consider the naming of a loved one through the placement of a permanent memorial plaque located within the Temple Solel sanctuary. The name of your loved one will be read annually on the occasion of the Yahrzeit and will also be listed in the Yizkor book (The Book of Remembrance) that is available during the Yom Kippur Memorial Service.

Mishkan HaNefesh

Dedicate a personalized bookplate in a set of our High Holy Day Prayer Books (each set represents one bookplate in the Rosh Hashanah Prayer Book and one bookplate in the Yom Kippur Prayer Book). 

Temple Solel Streaming

Sponsoring a Friday evening service stream is a wonderful way to celebrate a special simchah.  Making sure that we have the most updated equipment to share our services gives the opportunity for those unable to join us in person the spiritual gift of celebrating Shabbat. Click Here to Donate and choose the Shabbat Streaming Fund.

Tree of Life Leaf

Honor or memorialize an individual with a leaf on our beautiful Tree of Life, located in the Temple Solel sanctuary. Consider recognizing a beloved family member or friend in this way. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

There are numerous events throughout the year benefiting Temple Solel that have a sponsorship opportunity.  Sponsorship of an event is a way to publicize your company or business. Contact our Executive Director to obtain more information on these opportunities by calling 480-991-7414 ext. 124. 

Temple Solel Funds

Temple Solel maintains many special funds that support programs, projects or activities within Temple Solel.  Contributions to any of these funds enhance some aspect of temple life. Click here to view the current list of Temple Solel Funds.


Click Here to Donate Now

Temple Solel is a 501(c)3 charity 86-0223187. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law. Please consult your tax professional.

Make a gift of stock
Make a planned gift
Call 480-991-7414

Would you prefer to mail a check?
Please make checks payable to:
Temple Solel
6805 E McDonald Dr
Paradise Valley AZ 85253

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Sh'vat 5785